General Election 2024

General Election 2024

Demand More for Decapods in the UK General Election

The 2024 General Election is fast approaching and we want to ensure that the new UK Government prioritises decapod crustacean welfare. We have written to all political party leaders and candidates directly, but we need your help to urge your prospective MP to support our asks and to stop the suffering of millions of crabs, lobsters, prawns and other decapod crustaceans in the UK.  

Crustacean Compassion is asking all General Election candidates to pledge support for our 5 key asks:  

  1. All recognised sentient animals to be included in the ...

Demand More for Decapods in the UK General Election

The 2024 General Election is fast approaching and we want to ensure that the new UK Government prioritises decapod crustacean welfare. We have written to all political party leaders and candidates directly, but we need your help to urge your prospective MP to support our asks and to stop the suffering of millions of crabs, lobsters, prawns and other decapod crustaceans in the UK.  

Crustacean Compassion is asking all General Election candidates to pledge support for our 5 key asks:  

  1. All recognised sentient animals to be included in the Animal Welfare Act (2006) 

  2. Include decapods in Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 

  3. Ban live animal sales of decapods to the public 

  4. Adopt high welfare codes for decapods 

  5. Ban live exports of decapods

Although recognised as sentient animals in 2022, decapods still receive little to no protection under UK legislation, often enduring harmful and inhumane treatment and practices. No other sentient being endures what decapods have to, and so we urge you to join us and write to your local candidates to #DemandMoreForDecapods.

Please share any responses you receive from candidates with us by emailing us at [email protected].

Special thanks to Democracy Club for the candidate data used in this campaign action.


Email your prospective MP

Be a voice for decapod crustaceans in the upcoming General Election. 

Crabs, lobsters and prawns deserve more from the next UK Government. With no protection under UK legislation, we want to see their welfare prioritised by prospective MPs.

If you are a UK resident, please send a message to your local candidates today and urge them pledge their support to protect decapods.

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You can personalise your message, but please remain polite and  respectful.